Monday, October 28, 2019

My Mother Essay Example for Free

My Mother Essay Of all the persons in the world, my mother loves me most, and I also love her from the core of my heart. To me, she is like a living goddess who takes all kinds of pain and care for my sake. When I am sick, she spends sleepless nights by my sick-bed. When I come first in my class exami-nation, she becomes perhaps the happiest person on earth. see more:essay on my father in marathi From my childhood, I have been greatly influenced by my mother. She has always guided me in the right path in every step of my life. She has taught me discipline, manners, and the sense of duty towards others in the family and in the society. I remember that she used to relate to me many oriental and mythological tales, when I was a child and did not know ho\V to read and write. She has taught me to love my country and my countrymen. She helps me every day in preparing my home-work given by the class-teacher. My mother is an ideal woman in my life. I feel myself fortunate for being born as her son. She is very anxious about my health, my education, and my prosperity. I feel that there is no other person nearest to the heart than a mother in this world. My mother is an affectionate and pious lady. She loves me very much. I love her, too. She takes care of all of us. She gets up early in the morning, makes our breakfast, lunch and dinner with her own hands. She looks after the cleanliness of the house and furniture, and also our clothes and health. When I fall sick, my mother passes sleepless nights by the side of my sick bed. Her anxiety and her fear disappear after my recovery from illness. In my eyes, she is really an ideal mother. My mother has taught me the importance of discipline, good manners, honesty, sense of duty and reverence towards the elders in life. She also taught me to defend and help the poor and the weak, and lodge a protest against injustice. When I was just a child, my mother used to tell me many oriental and mythological tales. When I grew up a little, she taught me how to read and write. Even to this day, she helps me to prepare my homework given by my class teacher. In every matter of my life, I depend on my mothers help and guidance: Her blessings are always with me.

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